3. Ashinaga Foundation Partners with Eikei University of Hiroshima and Hiroshima Global Academy

Ashinaga Foundation Partners with Eikei University of Hiroshima and Hiroshima Global Academy

HQ 2021.02.04



In October 2020, Ashinaga signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Eikei University in Hiroshima (set to open its doors in April 2021) and Hiroshima Global Academy. This is Ashinaga’s first collaboration with a public high school program.

Hiroshima Global Academy


Eikei University of Hiroshima and Ashinaga Foundation share the belief that access to education is crucial to nurture future leaders. Together under this agreement, we look forward to supporting young leaders from the world’s peace center, Hiroshima.


Hiroshima Global Academy is a public school in Hiroshima that runs a unique English-based program and offers IB courses. Their vision to foster leaders who create “a better future” in their community for peace and sustainable development and to be an excellent model in “learning innovation.”


This aligns with Ashinaga’s vision that every student has their own kokorozashi, a vision of how to instigate change, innovate and improve the lives of others. By partnering with Eikei University and Hiroshima Global Academy, we are confident that Ashinaga students can develop their ideas and continue to become leaders for the future in this unique environment.


Participants of Online ceremony from right bottom:Mr. Yuzaki Hidehiko (the Governor of  Hiroshima Prefecture), Mr. Arinobu Mutsuhiro,(Designated President of Eikei University of Hiroshima), Ms. Hirakawa Rie, (Superintendent of Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education), Mr. Nakamura Kenichi, (President of the Prefectural University of Hiroshima), Mr. Fukushima Kazuhiko, (President of Hiroshima Global Academy), Top left: Ms. Seki Yukie (Secretary-General of Ashinaga),  Mr. Fujimura Osamu, (Deputy President), Mr. Tamai Yoshiomi, (Founder and President of Ashinaga).



Main contents of MOU:

  • Ashinaga will recommend Scholars from the Ashinaga Africa Initiative to Eikei University
  • Ashinaga will recommend one or two high school students selected from Ashinaga Ugnada and Ashinaga Senegal to Hiroshima Global Academy
  • Students of Eikei University and Hiroshima Global Academy will participate in an internship program or volunteer to the Ashinaga Africa Initiative programs to Ashinaga’s facilities and offices around the world


Please find the details in Japanese here:

News release by Eikei University of Hiroshima

Photo news by Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education (HiGA)

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